My Facebook Family Understands



Thank the Lord for Facebook!

Remember that John Lennon song from the 70’s, Whatever gets you through the night . . . it’s alright . . . it’s alright by me?”  Well I am not endorsing riotous living by any means!  I am saying that for me this past weekend, having a Closed Group in which to vent some drama was my “whatever” that got me through a couple of unusual nights and days when everyone else was asleep.  Thanks for being there Cyber Friends.  Here they are, out in the open:


Up very late again after the Lord added His increase so I could do some baking. There’s one more day to go entertaining in our home while trying to: avoid toxic (chemical & mold) exposures and squirrel away when the convulsions come. My hubby’s kids have done a reasonable job following our precautions, thankfully. I’ve missed some activities again this year. (For example, a partial Skype date with more family when I had to leave for an hour-long noxious episode!) Sometimes I feel like I have disappeared and other times it’s just me spending so dang much time in the kitchen preparing my special diet. Guess I’m glad I finally got my stuff done! I’ll have more food prep help tomorrow. Hey thanks for listening!

FB Tree


Strangeness abounds! Still alone again after not being able to get up to join family due to wretched convulsions. Instead of making a nice honey maple ham dinner (for which I had prepared last night) my husband’s daughter made a different lunch for everyone. I was still in bed seizing! Now I’m up eating my special food alone with you and the Lord in front of our pretty tree.

The fam went indoor go-kart racing! Before they left and whilst praying the spiritual warfare would end, I got a text that my ex-husband needed to contact me for the first time in 10 years! Could he have gotten saved? So my time alone now has been tranformed into a prayer time.

No worries. The Lord has me and you gently in the palm of His hand. I see He may have “others” there too and it is all good.

Update to follow . . . With love, J


Finally stabilized and was able to go out to eat with relatives after a wretched morning (aka husband carrying me to the bathroom then bringing me some food before I crashed for another 2 hours while he went off to church). No, the ex did not get saved so I will continue to pray if he comes to mind and in the meantime block further communication for sanity reasons.

Sometimes it just helps to vent the drama that characterizes a life with serious illness. I’ll bet that many of you reading this get it. Our “new normal” never really feels normal at all. I rest in the fact that the Lord sees all and carries me though each breath. When I couldn’t breathe later last night in repeated seizes, I reminded myself that I ain’t dead yet so it must be all uphill from here! “Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6: you rock! It’s gonna be a better week! :J


Have a blessed couple of days, Gentle Reader, making the most of whatever is remaining in 2014.  With a ton of yummy leftovers in the frig and sweet Christmas memories too, it’s going to be alright, alright, alright by me too.  :JJ

Request for Personal Assistance

Dear Gentle Readers:

I am most blessed to be in touch with you through this wonderful world of blogging.  Today I am asking for your help!

Last week I started some baby steps in a new treatment protocol (called a Pretox Treatment Protocol) for mercury toxicity.  The program is based upon the brilliant  work of Dr. Chris Shade and Quicksilver Scientific.  I am exceedingly grateful that my family doctor attended a conference where Dr. Chris Shade had presented on mercury toxicity.  Dr. Shade developed mercury speciation testing and specific treatment regimes to open elimination pathways in the body of inorganic- and methyl-mercury.  I completed several lab tests including their  Tri-Mercury test and their Blood Metals Test is now in process.  After suffering nearly 3 hellish years with daily seizure attacks and numerous failed approaches, we finally have hope for complete recovery.

The only problem is that I am having difficulty tolerating the Pretox Treatment Protocol!  No surprise there:  I react to everything these days.  So here is my request:

Would you kindly contact Quicksilver Scientific and ask for a special consultation for me with Dr. Chris Shade?  The company is exceedingly busy with expansion and Dr. Shade’s speaking schedule so a little extra noise might be helpful.  Here’s the link to their website and where you can leave a message with my name and email address ( be sure to convert to an email address the following with numbers instead of words and “”:  psalmthree4eightonezero@yahoodotcom):

I made this video for Dr. Shade to illustrate exactly what mercury poisoning has brought into our lives over here and my dilemma:

My husband Steve and I are hopeful that I am going to get well!  We are exceedingly grateful for prayers and support of everyone and look forward to the day when we can celebrate together all that the Lord has done in this season of our lives.  He is good.  All the time.  He is good!

Thank you for your consideration.

Take care,

Just Julie

Numb but Hopeful

I love Patrick Klein’s words from the Vision Beyond Borders newsletter this week:

Psalm 143:10-12 says, “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. For your name’s sake, O Lord, preserve my life; in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble. In your unfailing love, silence my enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant.” Doing God’s will does not come naturally; our natural tendency is to satisfy our fleshly and worldly desires. We must be taught and transformed by God to do His will. When His Spirit leads us, it is on level ground. He alone can make crooked paths straight. Our duty is to remember that what we do is for His name’s sake. It is not about us. He alone can best determine how He desires for us to bring glory to His name. It is not for us to determine. Despite hardships, trials or persecution that may be allowed in our lives, God can preserve us and bring us out of our trouble. 

Our only responsibility in all of this is to simply remember our role. We are to be servants of Christ. Often we grow weary because we are trying to do His part. We are trying to figure out where He is taking us rather than allowing Him to lead us. We are trying to figure out how to preserve our lives and bring ourselves out of trouble rather than allowing Him to bring us out. We are trying to silence our enemies and destroy our foes when that is not our work. We are not made for those things, and it is exhausting. Our duty is simply to look to God and serve Him, allowing Him to do these things for His servants! We don’t have to strive, we simply have to come to Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light; we will find rest for our souls. May we faithfully seek Him, serve Him and remain completely in Him, trusting Him to show us each step! 

Thank you Patrick.  Last night I started using yet another binding agent (Zeolite) to try to encapsulate and detox mercury from my weakened frame.  Afterwards I felt very weird!  We were Skyping with my husband’s daughter in Thailand and it was all I could do to chat a bit, smile a bit, and keep my shoulders from hiking up to my ears!  The nightly seizure attack episode was significantly shorter and I fell asleep at a more reasonable time, around 1:30 a.m.  Hell was waiting for me this morning and returned with more violence a couple of hours later.  Can you say “mad as a hatter?”  Well if you were a hatmaker in the 19th century you might be more familiar with mercury poisoning than the current medical profession.   So let’s see if we can figure this one out, eh?

#1  Trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding.  (Proverbs 3:5-6)

#2  Follow the clues and think about how chelation works for mercury and heavy metals.  Most protocols require regular treatments for a given interval of time, sometimes as often as every 4 hours.  (See the Cutler protocol.)  The rebound occurred about 12 hours after the first dose of a true chelating agent.

#3  Consider a repeat, low level dose at regular intervals to bind and remove the newly circulating toxins.

#4  Relief came within minutes when the detox agent was consumed with lots of water.

And after resting, eating, sitting out in the lovely Fall sunshine, I am upright.  This is good.  I am also extraordinarily humbled by some incredible blessings this week and will end with four to match the points enumerated above:

#1  Unfailing love in the eyes of my intended beloved, Steve.  When I am in his arms no matter what the circumstances, I feel the love, care, and compassion of my Heavenly Husband too.  Thank you Jesus for Steve.  Please love and bless Him.  Cover our marriage with your grace.  May others see a good work in all of this for your glory Lord.

#2  Treatment options that provide some relief.  I believe that the pattern of suffering is about to change for the better and we are exceedingly grateful.

#3  Wisdom that ultimately comes from the Lord.  I have learned so much these past 3 years and have received blessings, gained new skills, met new people, cleared out some excess baggage, and found a voice that I pray will glorify you here.

#4  Hope.  No matter what the burden may be (and we both need not look far to see horrific burdens that our brothers and sisters in Christ must bear for their belief in Him), He will prevail.  As a new friend, Karan Gleddie, brought to light this week we are to “set (our) minds on things above, not on earthly things.”  (Col. 3:2)  Therein we too will find our hope, our peace, our happiness.  And as Patrick reminded me, we are to serve with the strength of Christ for His namesake.  With our eyes on Christ all things are possible.

Gentle Reader, how may I pray for you today?

Colossians 3:2
Colossians 3:2


Just Julie Treatment Update

Brief update:  I seem to be in what an airline pilot might call a “holding pattern” lately.  When I can break through the perpetual feeling of sickness and get myself out of the house, even if it is to our backyard, there’s always a backlash of noxious symptoms.  Recently my chiropractor recommended a heavy metals blood test and after a month of getting the paperwork and procedures right we have the results:  high potassium and very high mercury.  Yipes!  So my husband and I are investigating chelation therapy.  I have an appointment with a Doctor of Osteopathy who provides chelation and other medical, nutritional interventions.  In the meantime I’ll check with my family practice physician and see if there’s enough data to proceed with caution.  We will be covering this in prayer.  For most folks chelation is a difficult journey.  But hey, I’m familiar with that already, eh?

More details:  The daily 2 to 5 hour waking seizure attack episodes continue.  One day each week the episodes exceed 8 hours on and off during which I am largely bed bound.  If I have pushed myself to complete heavy gardening tasks or more than about 2 hours of appointments outside of our home then the episodes can increase to 12 hours.  The rest of those days is pretty worthless.  I have at least two “worthless” days at home each week anyways, regardless of my activity level.  These are days where I pretty much take advantage of the lovely “3 hots and a cot” afforded by our home.  I may see you here at the computer and mope through other very sedentary tasks.  Dinner may or may not get prepared.  Thank goodness for my homemade freezer meals and frozen burritos for Steve on days like these!

The normal sleep-wake cycle remains elusive for me.  When I do go to bed around midnight it is usually because Steve has carried me there in the neurological collapse-mode of a seizure attack.  This happens twice per week.  I’ll pass out at some point thereafter only to awaken in less than 4 hours, usually with another episode of tazoring.  Many days the tazoring wakes me up in the middle of the night.  Good grief!  That’s what happened last night prompting this blog.  When I do wake up in the middle of the night I have to find a way to yank myself out of bed or they will continue indefinitely!  This also happens twice per week on average.  The other nights I endure an episode sometime between sunset and midnight then I am wide awake until 4:00 a.m. or so.  If I can wait until I feel sleepy then the episodes falling asleep will usually be shorter and sometimes not at all.  I love it when the latter happens!  The best schedule for me then is to be up late, go to bed and sleep until noon-ish, endure a shorter waking tazoring then attempt to move forward with the day.  I love days when I do not have any appointments that disrupt this schedule!

The only “treatment” I can tolerate at the moment is a strict diet, coconut oil, colon hydrotherapy to detox, and extreme mold avoidance.  Occasionally I can take a short walk late in the afternoon or use our elliptical for 5 minutes, usually in the middle of the night before bed.  My diet is mold-free, gluten-free, sugar and sweetener-free, dairy-free, and low oxalate.  The latter has produced some detox reactions that appear to be beneficial; bone broth is incredibly nurturing to my digestive tract.  Most medications, pharm-grade supplements, and typical detox/immunity foods (such as lemon water, probiotics, ground flax seeds or oil) produce convulsions.  Not good.  This syndrome has a name:  Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.  The good news is that my gut health is better than it has been in a long time.  That tells me that the dietary strategies are working!  There are times when I feel more alert and my thinking is clearer.  At times my memory is better.  To my delight the creative juices are flowing again as reflected in my latest designs at Trinity Jewelry by Design.  And sometimes I am even able to make jewelry during the daytime instead of just with the crickets outside the window of my cute little studio area . . .

October 11th will mark the 3 year anniversary of becoming sick.  (For more on that story, see the About Julie page.)  I’ve been off from work for 2 1/2 years now, the longest since I started working in at the Penny Candy Place as a teenager.  No work or disability income is in sight.   The Lord has provided for my every need through my gracious husband and His grace.  Through it all Steve and I have been challenged to the ends of our human strength through unbelievable trials yet somehow feel closer to each other and to the Lord than ever before.  Steve is my hero!  DSCF0245We trust in Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 41:3Psalm 71:14, Revelation 21:1-8 and more.  The Lord is faithful to His Word:  we have seen it, we hope in it, and His living Word carries us through it all.  Even in those split seconds when it feels like my heart, my breathing, and my brain waves have ceased to function and I do not know if life will continue for me, I am no longer afraid.  That’s how real the hope of heaven, the reality that my eternal life has already begun as a child of the King, the loose grip I have on the things of this earth are to me.  Oh Gentle Reader, can you say that too?

So many unknowns fill our days.  We can respond with woe and fear or we can respond with FAITH.  And our faith is only as strong as that to which we apply it.  I hope that you will join me or have put your faith in the omnipotent God over all.  Yes, I wrote all. 

Nothing less will do when faced with the next, er, bite in the shorts.  You know I had to say it didn’t you?!    :]


Where do you think I was taking you?

trust-in-the-lord-proverbs-3-5-6A dear sister in Christ shared with me a story today of another time in which she was struggling in her walk with the Lord.  A year later she ran into an old friend who was in a time of severe struggle.  As she listened closely to her friend she was reminded of how the Lord gave her victory the previous year and how he gave her an image that made a lasting impression. 

Picture this:  you are walking behind, faithfully following the Lord Jesus Christ who is walking in front of you.  Your hands are placed firmly on the back of His shoulders as He leads you forth.  You are not trying to get ahead of Him or push Him faster down the road.  But you are straining to look over His shoulders, attempting to peer around His sides, jumping to see over His head.  Where is He taking me?  Why don’t my circumstances show me what lies ahead for me?  Why can’t I see where we are going, the point to all of this agony? 


Now that doesn’t look much like following in faith now does it?  Yeah.  I have been there too.  Trying to get ahead of the One Who loves me and has carefully crafted my life as His own child, under the protection of His loving arms.  Instead I am going to remember the image that my friend said came next:  she gently looked down, perhaps drawing a little closer to His mighty frame, and simply walked behind Him in His footsteps.  She let the Lord lead her through the trials and in due time they ended.  And a year later her tenderness for her friend encouraged both of them.  I am sure of it.

My friend shared that in her heart long ago she heard the words, “where do you think I was taking you?”  Where indeed.  May our answer always be, “anywhere you lead my Jesus.”  Anywhere.  JJ